Mother Goose on the Loose has a variety of products and services to support programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. Many of the printed materials have been published by ALA Editions; some are already out of print! Buying from the links below will support ALA Editions, the publishing arm of the American Library Association.
Mother Goose on the Loose: Here, There, & Everywhere ALA Editions Not only is Mother Goose on the Loose (MGOL) a fun-filled approach that nurtures early literacy and school readiness skills in young children, it’s also extremely flexible. Demonstrating how librarians, educators, and caregivers have adapted MGOL for a variety of settings, this book provides the inspiration and groundwork to enable others to do the same.
$69.99 For more information and to order book
Transforming Preschool Storytime: A Modern Vision and Year of Programs ALA Editions According to research, the best way to make new connections in a child’s brain is by building on something already known. A child who loves a book will listen to it repeatedly, maintaining interest. Using a selected book in a number of consecutive preschool storytimes, but presenting it differently each time, can help children learn new skill sets. This book presents a new approach to storytime, one that employs repetition with variety to create an experience which helps children connect and engage with the story on a higher level.
$57.00 For more information and to order book
Early Literacy Programming en Español: Mother Goose on the Loose Programs for Bilingual Learners ALA Editions Early Literacy Programming in Español: Mother Goose on the Loose® Programs for Bilingual Learners offers practical suggestions for finding Spanish-speaking cultural partners to help plan and present these programs and gives you all the components to make program construction easy. This book and multimedia CD set includes lyrics, rhymes, activities, developmental tips, program aids, set-up instructions, worksheets, and bibliographies in both English and Spanish, along with valuable advice for creating a welcoming environment for non-English speaking users, and an explanation of the repetition formula. The accompanying CD includes 65 songs, a complete script along with reproducible forms and flannel board templates simplifies planning even more.
$72.00 For more information and to order book
Out-of-Print Books by Betsy
The Early Literacy Kit: A Handbook and Tip Cards
104 developmental tip cards on all the domains of school readiness, written by Betsy Diamant-Cohen and Saroj Ghoting, connect reseach with simple activities and mention ways that parents can reinforce skills at home.
$50.00 For more information and to order book with tip cards
Browse through these and other books by Dr. Betsy at
Most of the MGOL-related books have been published by ALA Editions are are available here.