MGOL helps to develop and strengthen MMSR (Maryland Model for School Readiness) Skills and also aligns with Core Curriculum Standards in the following areas:
Personal and Social Development
1.0 Personal self-regulation: Children will demonstrate effective personal functioning in group settings and as individuals
A. Self Concept and Control
- Demonstrates healthy self-confidence
- Attempts new play and learning experiences independently
- Shows some self-direction
- Makes choices with help and pursues tasks with intention
- Uses materials appropriately
- Plays with and uses materials with appropriate intention and purpose
2.0 Social self-regulation: Children will demonstrate effective social functioning in group settings and as individuals
A. Interactions with others
- Initiates and maintains relationships with peers and adults
- Interacts easily with one or more children
- Interacts easily with familiar adults
- Participates cooperatively in group activities
- Participates in the group life of the class
- Listens to directions from peers and responds to simple tasks
- Understands the rule of group activities with guidance
- Understands basic feelings, such as happiness or sadness, as expressed by others verbally or non-verbally.
- Speaks of individual contributions- and group accomplishments
Language and Literacy Development
1.0 General reading processes: Phonemic awareness:
A. Phonemic Awareness
- Discriminates sounds and words
- Tells whether sounds are the same or different
- Identifies and repeats initial sounds in words
- Discriminates and produces rhyming words and alliteration
- Repeats rhyming words
- Repeats phrases and sentences with alliteration
- Discriminates rhyming words from non-rhyming words
- Claps words in a sentence
- Identifies the initial sound in a word
1.0 General reading processes: Fluency: Children will read orally with accuracy and expression at a rate that sounds like speech
C. Fluency: Engages in imitative reading at an appropriate rate
- Listens to models of fluent reading
- Recites nursery rhymes, poems, and finger plays with expression
- Develops beginning sight vocabulary or familiar words, such as first name, color words.
1.0 General reading processes: Vocabulary: Student will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary
D. Vocabulary
Develops and applies vocabulary through exposure to a variety of texts
- Understands, acquires and uses new vocabulary
- Uses illustrations to find meaning of unknown words
- Uses newly learned vocabulary on multiple occasions to reinforce meaning
1.0 General reading processes: Comprehension:
- Shows appreciation for books and reading (WSS II C1)
- Shows beginning understanding of concepts about print (WSS II C2)
- Understands that speech can be written and read
- Understands that print conveys meaning
- Demonstrates the proper use of a book
- Uses strategies to prepare for reading (before reading)
- Makes connections to the text using illustrations/photographs from prior knowledge
- Makes predictions by examining the title, cover, illustrations/photographs, and familiar author or topic
- Helps set a purpose for reading.
- Uses illustrations to construct meaning
- Connects events, characters, and actions in stories to specific life experiences
6.0 Listening
A. Listening
- Demonstrates active listening strategies.
- Attends to the speaker
- Gains meaning by listening (WSS A1)
- Follows two- or three- step directions (WSS II A2)
- Demonstrates phonological awareness (WSS II A3)
- Determines a speaker’s general purpose
- Identifies rhythms and patterns of language, including rhyme and repetition
- Demonstrates an understanding of what is heard by retelling and relating prior knowledge
- Follows a set of two-or-three step directions
- Listens carefully to expand and enrich vocabulary.
Cognition and General Knowledge: Fine Arts — Music
1.0 Perceiving and Responding: Aesthetic Education. Children will demonstrate the ability to perceive, perform, and respond to music.
A. Perceiving and Responding
- Develops awareness of the characteristics of musical sounds and the diversity of sounds in the environment.
- Explores a range of classroom instruments such as wood blocks, triangles, rhythm sticks, maracas, guiros, jingle bells, sand blocks, cymbals, and tambourines.
- Listens for repeated patterns in music
- Responds to changes heard in music: Fast/slow, loud/soft (quiet), long/short, high/low
- Experiences performance through singing, playing instruments, and listening to performances of others.
- WSS VI A1: Participates in group music experiences.
- Sings songs that use the voice in a variety of ways
- Listens to examples of adult male voices, adult female voices, and children’s voices
- Waits and listens before imitating rhythmic and melodic patterns
- Explores steady beat through singing, speaking, and playing classroom instruments.
- Responds to music through movement
- WSS VI A1: Participates in creative movement, dance, and drama
- Expresses music through movement, developing the concept of personal space (“bubble space”)
- Responds to steady beat through locomotor and body movement
- Listens for simple directions or verbal cues in singing games
- Explores a variety of locomotor and non-locomotor movements to show meter.
2.0 Historical, Cultural, and Social Context:
- Explores music used in daily living
- Sings songs representative of different activities, holidays, and seasons in a variety of world cultures.
- Becomes acquainted with the roles of music in the lives of people
- Explores a rich repertoire of music representing its roles in the lives of people, such as lullabies