Written / Contributed By: Summer Rosswog
Mother Goose on the Loose® Session #4 (3/29/17) Facilitator: Summer Rosswog
Hello/Warm-Up Songs & Rhymes:
- Old Mother Goose
- Can You Clap with Two Hands
- Open Them, Shut Them
- The Wheels on the Bus
- Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
Action/Body Rhymes:
- Pizza, Pizza Hot!
- ’m a Little Teapot
- Pat-A-Cake (choose a friend)
- Dance Your Fingers Up
Stand-Up Activity:
- Jack Be Nimble (clapping with candlestick; taking turns, using children’s names)
- We’re Marching to the Drum – adventure version (drum & lion puppet)
Instrument Activities, Set 1:
- Pass out tambourines.
- We Shake Our Tambourines Together
- Things (by Eloise Greenfield)
- ABC Song
- Z Is for Moose by Kelly Bingham & Paul O. Zelinsky, or Oops, Pounce, Quick, Run!: An Alphabet Caper by Mike Twohy (We did not have time to read second book and finish under 50 minutes. Otherwise, I would have done one of these.)
Instrument Activities, Set 2:
- Pass out castanets.
- Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock,Where Is Cuckoo Bird?
- “No More Monkeys” cd song by Asheba
- Jack in the Box
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (with individual felt stars)
Goodbye Song:
- With My Little Hands I Go Clap, Clap, Clap
Click below for Summer’s hand-outs listing books and offering creative activities to go along with them.