Welcome to Mother Goose on the Loose, a fun-filled thirty minute interactive session that uses rhymes, songs, puppets, musical instruments and more to stimulate the learning process of babies and toddlers. Learn More


Mother Goose on the Loose is a proven method for planning and presenting programs that focuses on the WHOLE CHILD and incorporates research-based theories of learning, music, puppets, picture books, nursery rhymes, art, play, and language.

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Mother Goose on the Loose offers workshops with information about baby brain development and school readiness, as well as a hands-on Mother Goose on the Loose session.

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“Betsy Diamant-Cohen’s Mother Goose on the Loose training was the most transformational workshop for our staff at the San Francisco Public Library.”

Christy Estrovitz, Early Literacy Specialist,
San Francisco Public Library
San Francisco, CA

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The MGOL Newsletter


In January of 2015, the first MGOL Newsletter was sent out. Since then, the newsletter is published online once a month or once every other month.  It is a combination of my personal stories, relevant research for children’s librarians and early childhood professionals with phrases or sentences that can be used as developmental tips for parents highlighted. It also has lists and links to resources, comments from readers, news and ideas, a rhyme of the month, a developmental tip of the month, and other eclectic selections.  

This month’s newsletter is scheduled to be sent out to inboxes tomorrow morning, but if you want a sneak peak, look here! https://mailchi.mp/9bce450df21f/enjoy-your-mgol-newsletter-4805298