Welcome to Mother Goose on the Loose, a fun-filled thirty minute interactive session that uses rhymes, songs, puppets, musical instruments and more to stimulate the learning process of babies and toddlers. Learn More


Mother Goose on the Loose is a proven method for planning and presenting programs that focuses on the WHOLE CHILD and incorporates research-based theories of learning, music, puppets, picture books, nursery rhymes, art, play, and language.

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Mother Goose on the Loose offers workshops with information about baby brain development and school readiness, as well as a hands-on Mother Goose on the Loose session.

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“Betsy Diamant-Cohen’s Mother Goose on the Loose training was the most transformational workshop for our staff at the San Francisco Public Library.”

Christy Estrovitz, Early Literacy Specialist,
San Francisco Public Library
San Francisco, CA

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“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” in Ute


This week, I travelled to Cortez, Colorado to present a Mother Goose on the Loose workshop at the library. Some of the participants were women who worked at the Early Childhood Center on the nearby Ute reservation.  

Typically, at the end of a workshop, each person chooses a rhyme or song, thinks of an accompanying activity, decides in which of the 10 sections it should appear, makes a felt piece to go along with it, and then presents their song/rhyme/activity to the group while using the flannel board.

One of the women told us how she sings “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” in Ute to her nephew and then presented it to us. Listening to her was a privilege. She gave me permission to record it and post it for other librarians, so here it is:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/fJy1cA919MBZri7v9  

Her singing was so magnificent, that I asked her to sing it again, and she did!  This time, she did some hand movements to go along with it. https://photos.app.goo.gl/33nR2rTWeMtYPuvk9

Shortly, I will ask my daughter Maya to the link the two videos together, add a title page and a credits page, and I will add it to the MGOL YouTube page with playlists of all the other videos of rhymes and songs that participants have shared during MGOL workshops. But I felt this was so moving, I wanted to share it on my blog even before it was ready to post on YouTube. Enjoy!